Product development

Products should be intuitive, approachable, and memorable. A good product is designed to last and effectively solve the user's problems.

We believe in being involved in every step of the product development process to ensure the highest quality possible. Our process begins with a brief and ends with a product ready for manufacturing. We offer a comprehensive service, from conducting customer research to creating technical drawings.

Market analysis and customer research
Product characteristics and outline
Digital prototypes
1:1 3D printed prototypes
Final design and technical drawings

Understanding the need of the user

At Studio Exakt, we believe it is crucial to understand the needs and challenges of users to create meaningful and desirable products. We achieve this by engaging with target users and rapidly prototyping concepts. This approach allows us to test and receive feedback, validating our proposals and ensuring they meet user expectations.

Product Visualization

Every product has a story. We provide thoughtful product visualizations that present your product in a way that your customers can relate to. Images and animations are an agile way of building your product's identity and can be used in various media, from e-commerce to product documentation.

3D Modeling
Product Images
A/B Testing
Experimental blue stone material.
3D Product Rendering och healthcare product
3D Product Rendering of Arteks Stool 66
Behind the Animation

Kia Motors product animations

Our process

Some of our partners

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Exakt what you need